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الصالون الدولي للفلاحة
وتربية المواشي والصناعات الغذائية
من 20 إلى 23 مايو 2024
قصر المعارض
صافكس - الجزائر العاصمة
قصر المعارض صفاكس، الجزائر العاصمة.

Maghreb Forum on Animal Health and Productions

07 October 2019 – Exhibition Center – SAFEX ALGERIA

Will be held alongside the SIPSA-FILAHA show.

The Maghreb Forum on Animal Health and Animal Productions « FIV », is organized by the GRFI Filaha Innove in collaboration with the Maghreb partners of animal health and animal production.

FIV the Maghreb Forum on Animal Health and Productions is an essential platform for meetings and exchanges for the veterinary profession.

This is the opportunity to establish or renew relation ships between fellow Maghrebians, and between practitioners and their suppliers. For this edition, the FIV will bring together members, founders, supporters of SAMV and UMAVET, it will be a question of giving back to these two organizations who knew how to keep the torch of friendship, solidarity and always concerned by the mutual aid in the Maghreb veterinary medicine for many years, more than 28 years of events and actions for a united and efficient Maghreb veterinary medicine.

In the course of their existence, these two organizations have gained notoriety that it would be a shame to see them and their work disappear. This forum will be a meeting place for the revival of the national and Maghreb veterinary association movement and will bring together people who might be interested to revive these organizations and start again stronger. Under a theme : A new professional dynamic of the Maghreb veterinary and the globalization of new technologies. 

Themes addressed within the forum

  1. Antibiotic resistance under the « One Health » Concept.
  2. Private-public partnership in animal health and productions.
  3. Graduate and postgraduate training and the contribution of new technologies in the veterinary medicine.
  4. The veterinarian and fishing and aquaculture.
  5. La menace biologique dans le cadre de la gestion des urgences sanitaires.

Key dates to remember

15 August 2019: Deadline for submission of communication proposals (abstracts)

05 September 2019: Response of the Scientific Committee

10 September 2019 : Filing of full articles for MAGVET publications (for the most interesting submissions).

The abstracts, in a word document should be sent electronically to: and

Papers will be submietted for an evaluation by the Scientific Committee. The deadline for submission of proposals is July 15th, 2019. The authors of the selected papers will be informed before September 5th 2019 by email. Only two papers will be published on MAGVET. The Scientific Committee will be informing the concerned authors in order to write the complete articles.

Participation for FIV Forum

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التوقيع GRFI / CREA

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